
Gideon is home!

gideonGideon: Where is everyone? Boy a man takes a little vacation and you write him off.

Kensana: Gideon!

Gideon: There’s my girl.

Kensana: Where have you been? And don’t tell me Christmas vacation because that has been over for a while now.

Gideon: My dear Kensa you were venturing into a different world than I’m used to traveling. Well I guess that’s not all together true. It’s a world I’d rather not venture. The dark side can be a little—tempting for us God types.

Kensana: In that case I totally understand. I missed you and the ladies have been asking about you.

Gideon: I’ll have to stop by for a visit when my girls are around. I missed you all. However, from what I understand, that head of yours hasn’t been empty since I left. I ran into Samera. She’s umm…different.

Kensana: She’s okay once you get to know her. We’re making good progress on Shades of Grey. Hopefully we’ll finish within the week. I’m glad you’re back though, we have an author’s chat to
attend in a few weeks and Whispers in the Wind is your story. I can’t talk about it without you. We even won an award from Love Romance Café & More, while you were gone.
Gideon: I’m glad the new work is going well for you and Samera. I’d like to meet her when she’s around. An award? That’s wonderful news Kensa.

Kensana: If I catch her in the right mood, she’d probably like to meet you as well. Until then, here’s a picture of her.

Gideon: What a beautiful girl. A little eerie on the eyes though.

Kensana: She’s okay, trust me.

Gideon: If you say she’s all right, then she’s okay in my book. I’m going to head over to the PM Club. Maybe I’ll find Brighid and Heather there.

Kensana: Yeah I do have work to do. We’ll catch up later. Have fun.

Gideon: Later luv.

1 Response to “Gideon is home!”

  1. 1 jambrea
    January 22, 2009 at 9:24 pm

    Heather: GIDEON! You’re BACK!!!! Going to the club now to chat!

    Jambrea: We are SO glad you’re back. 🙂

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